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$ORBT token with utility

Unlock the full potential of the Orbitt ecosystem with $ORBT tokens

$ORBT Token

Discover a token that's as versatile as your trading strategy, effortlessly integrating Orbitt's innovative products with the Solana ecosystem. $ORBT Token: designed for liquidity and efficiency across Orbitt's suite.


Total Supply

Circulating Supply: 12,300,000
Vested Tokens: 7,700,000 (24 months)



No Tax
Effortless Trading

Contract address:




$ORBT Token Utility

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Orbitt PRO

$ORBT is your ticket to access the Orbitt PRO Chrome Extension, which is your best trading companion.

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Orbitt MM

Orbitt MM uses 100% of generated fees to create buybacks that, after its purchase, are allocated into staking, which is given as a reward to our loyal holders.

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Orbitt PAD

Holding $ORBT allows you to participate in Orbitt PAD resales; those are very strict, and only high-quality, secured projects can be listed under Orbitt PAD.

Utility Icon

Orbitt PRO

$ORBT is your ticket to access the Orbitt PRO Chrome Extension, which is your best trading companion.

Earn Passive Income
with $ORBT Staking!

$ORBT Staking is almost here! Soon, you'll be able to stake your $ORBT tokens.

Earn $ORBT tokens daily, thanks to our unique buyback mechanism powered by Orbitt MM Volume Booster!

Flexible Staking Tiers:

Tier 1

7 days
1x reward

Tier 2

30 days
2x reward

Tier 3

90 days
3x reward

Tier 4

180 days
4x reward

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Be a part of the Orbitt Community – your hub for engagingconversations, updates, and collaboration. Connect with like-minded enthusiasts on Orbitt’s Telegram. Ready to join?

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